About Us
Don Bosco, Naigaon Management

Message From The Principal
Dear Students, Parents, Teachers and Staff Members,

Greetings from me, Fr Anthony Fonseca, the new Principal of Don Bosco School and Junior College, Naigoan. I would like to welcome you all to the new academic year 2024 – 2025.
I bid a fond farewell to our previous Manager and Parish Priest, Fr. Orville Coutinho, the previous Principal, Fr Glen Fernandes, and Counsellor, Fr. Nelson Carvalho and thank each one of them for their dedicated service over the past few years.
I would like to introduce you to our new team. Fr. Dominic Martis has been appointed the Rector of our Institution, Fr. William Falcao as the Administrator, Fr. Edward D’Souza as Assistant Parish Priest, Fr. Joaquim Fernandes, Vice – Principal.
We are living in a time of unprecedented uncertainty. The Covid 19 pandemic is testing us in many ways. The sudden switch to online learning this academic year has created a new reality to which we have been forced to adjust. We are doing our best to make sure that your child receives the best of education online.
I would also like to thank our students, parents, teachers and staff for the patience, understanding and perseverance you will offer during these trying times.
We look forward to welcoming you back on campus when this crisis is over. Until then, please continue to be there for our children and stay safe, healthy, cheerful and optimistic. Be assured of our prayers and support for your families. With God’s grace we shall conquer all.
God Bless!
Fr. Anthony Fonseca

Message From The Manager / Rector

Fr. Dominic Martis
Manager / Rector
Management Team
Fr. William Falcao
Administrator -
Fr. Edward D’Souza
Assistant Parish Priest -
Fr. Joaquim Fernandes
Vice – Principal