date: Aug 15, 2015 Independence Day / Feast Of Our Lady Of Assumption
The 69th anniversary of India's independence was celebrated in school. Office bearers of the PTA of all four sections were the guests of honour. There was a feeling of pride all through the flag hoisting ceremony.
The cultural programme of song, dance and speech, which followed, was a riot of colour (mainly those of the tri colour), high on emotions while remembering our leaders of the past and with immense hope for the future. The Principal and Manager in their addresses reiterated that children were the hope for future India and appealed to the children to be more responsible.
This celebration was followed by Holy Mass, on the occasion of the feast of Our Lady of Assumption. A beautiful backdrop augmented the idea that intercessions from Mother Mary are sorely needed for the prosperity of our motherland.
Sweets were distributed to the children to mark this dual celebration.