candle GIF

School Android App Launched!


Don Bosco High School & Jr. College is pleased to announce it’s very own mobile App powered by Intellinects Ventures!! Parents, students, staff and other stakeholders can download this app now to get all school related information easily [...]

School Android App Launched!2020-08-12T12:48:30+05:30

Yoga Day


Date: June 22, 2015      Yoga DayYoga day was celebrated in a grand scale by the staff and students of our school. As it was heavily raining on 21st June we celebrated Yoga day on 22nd June.

Yoga Day2020-08-12T12:48:30+05:30

P.T.A Elections


Date: 23 June 2015           P.T.A ElectionsP.T.A elections were held and in keeping with the new circular, only a single representative from each standard was elected.P.T.A representative of Jr.Kg. - Mr. Paul Malcom Smith.P.T.A representative of Sr.Kg. - Mrs. [...]

P.T.A Elections2020-08-12T12:48:30+05:30

Feast Of Saint Dominic Savio Mass and Investiture Ceremony


Date: 6 July 2015      Feast Of Saint Dominic Savio Mass and Investiture                                  CeremonyAs a culmination of the Novenas to St. Dominic Savio - the feast was celebrated. Holy Mass for the Catholic students and a prayer service [...]

Feast Of Saint Dominic Savio Mass and Investiture Ceremony2020-08-12T12:48:30+05:30

Tagore House Day


Date: 8 July 2015          Tagore House DayThe students of the Yellow House celebrated their house day paying tribute to their house mentor Rabindranath Tagore, during a special assembly, they extolled the virtues of this great poet/ Nobel laureate [...]

Tagore House Day2020-08-12T12:48:30+05:30

HSC Results


The Hsc Results this year were much better than the previous years with only one failure in each section as compared to the previous years.The highest ranks are as follows.XII Science 1) Sharma Adwait Dinesh (76.62%)2) Shukla Vaibhav [...]

HSC Results2020-08-12T12:48:30+05:30
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