As Don Bosco High School celebrated its 25th anniversary, the closing ceremony of the interschool competitions marked a fitting conclusion to a series of thrilling events. The ceremony, commenced on 30th August 2024, was a celebration of talent, hard work, and community spirit that defined this milestone year.

The event commenced with a brief introduction, reflecting on the journey of the interschool competitions. The audience was reminded of the excitement and enthusiasm that had filled the days leading up to this momentous closing.

The ceremony’s highlight was the dynamic closing dance performance by the students from the college section. Their energetic and beautifully choreographed routines captivated the audience, showcasing the talent and dedication that had been fostered throughout the competitions.

Following the performances, our beloved principal, Rev Fr Anthony Fonseca addressed the gathering with a heartfelt speech. His words resonated with the values of perseverance and excellence that are at the core of Don Bosco’s educational philosophy. His address set a tone of reflection and pride, reminding everyone of the significance of the school’s achievements.

The formal closure of the event was marked by a declaration from our Vice Principal, Rev Fr. Joaquim Fernandes. His closing remarks highlighted the success of the competitions and expressed gratitude to all participants, organizers, and supporters who contributed to the success of the event.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks, where heartfelt appreciation was extended to everyone involved. This closing note not only acknowledged the efforts of those who made the event possible but also reinforced the sense of community and shared achievement that defines Don Bosco School.

As we look back on this remarkable year, the closing ceremony of the interschool competitions stands out as a testament to the school’s vibrant spirit and commitment to fostering talent. The celebration of Don Bosco School’s 25th anniversary was beautifully encapsulated in this memorable event, marking another milestone in the school’s storied history.